Thursday, September 30, 2010

LBJ Shut up.

So I have woken up on this grey morning to see the self titled 'King' has continued his free fall in the public's eye with a rash comment that I'm sure his PR team will be kicking themselves over. When asked about why the public took such a negative view towards 'the decision' segment, Lebron answered “It’s always, you know, a race factor.”

Come on Lebron, put yourself in the shoes of every fan watching 'The Decision'. In the back of our minds we were thinking, what a good guy this Lebron is, he is going to stay true to the die hard fans of Cleveland and at the same time raise a nice $3 million dollars for a charity. Win Win. Then he goes on air and publicly urinates on every Cleveland fan's hopes and dreams of a maiden championship. The couldn't believe it, their poster child that grew up in the small town of Akron was doing this to them, and on TV. So that explains the Clevelanders pains, now why every other fan was disappointed.

Over the past 30 years we have enjoyed champions, MJ, Larry, Magic and Kobe to name a few. The one common strain between these guys is that they have shown loyalty towards their teams and have stayed true. It took MJ seven years to win his first ring. Sure you can win ring's in different teams and be a notable player, but you will never be seen in the same light (Shaq), don't get me wrong I love Shaq but he is not a great, more of a personality of the game now.

So the reason I think the non Cleveland fans were angered was not because the Miami heat look like they can go and win five or more championships in the next decade but because they wanted to see the potential Lebron had to become a champion, someone noted down in history as a 'Great'. The Decision was effectively him giving up, saying I cant win a championship in Cleveland, I need someone to help me, actually I need two all stars to help me. Respect is a term thrown around a lot in the NBA. He has lost all respect from me.

If you were a Heat fan pre the July 8 Decision, then congrats. You just lucked out big time. But you are going to have to prove it to me because the amount of bandwagon Miami fans that are about to come out of the woodwork in Florida is going to be ridiculous.

RIP Lebron. Your dead to me.

                                                     Delonte West is now my favourite player


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